Sunday 25 January 2009

Spider in the bath

Let's call him Steve. Or it could be a her. No, too thin for a her spider. Anyhow, Steve's clinging on just past the curved rim of the bath, centimetres above the bubbles when the bath is full. He obviously likes it, because I rescued him a couple of days ago, Alison moved him, and he keeps coming back, and then finds him self just at the point where he can't climb up and it would be suicide to go down.
But Steve has a plan. Spiders' feet are oily to stop them sticking to their own webs. So Steve is systematically cleaning each foot in turn (well, opposites: front left, then back right, then back-front left, then front-back right) and then has another go at climbing.

It didn't work, so I got Steve onto my thumb and I've blown him over to the sink. No idea what he's eating at the moemtn but there's probably more of it near the sink anyway.
We'll see if he turns up again - I'll bring my camera (in the bath? what sort of an activity is that?)

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